An Epistle to Seers, and Friends of Seers

The Bible consistently reveals that every office is confirmed with signs. Signs follow Seers to confirm God as their source.

Steph Kirathe
8 min readJun 16, 2024

Before He called me, I was known as the “gifted” one. I hated being called “gifted” for such a long because people thought I provoked supernatural entities to perform. No one understands that spiritual gifts are a part of who a prophet is and not what they do…like breathing is a natural thing for a living person to do…I was born a Seer.

Seers naturally attract spirits because these entities recognize that there is a human conduit on Earth to partner with. Seers typically engage with the spiritual realm from childhood. For example, Samuel was still a boy when the Spirit of God began interacting with him (1 Samuel 3). Similarly, the slave girl in Acts 16:16 was a conduit for familiar spirits, possessing a spirit of divination by which she predicted the future.

These examples illustrate that being a Seer is a para-biological condition. A Seer possesses an innate ability to perceive beyond normal sensory experiences, transcending ordinary human perception. The key difference between Samuel and the slave girl lies in the source.

Being a Seer is a para-biological condition.

For example, as a child, I operated in the spirit realm long before I understood what was happening in my life. I could hear people’s souls — essentially reading their thoughts, emotions, or intentions — long before I learned about the gift of discerning spirits. I received prophecies in dreams before I understood what prophecy was. I frequently encountered spiritual beings, mostly angels and demons. I could see into people’s lives long before I comprehended that what I was doing was accessing spiritual intelligence.

This made me extremely paranoid growing up because I was afraid of interacting with people — having their deepest secrets laid bare and not being able to share them. Often, as a child, I became selectively mute, not out of wisdom but out of fear of others. I was the “quiet” one; the “weird” one…Yes, even the “strange” one!

When I rededicated my life to Christ and encountered Jesus through the Holy Spirit, my entire life changed. My spiritual giftedness was no longer a source of shame but a precious, God-given gift I embraced. Being a Seer became not just a calling, but my identity in Jesus Christ. I am because He is — with “eyes like a fiery flame” — I see through His eyes (Revelation 1:14).

I am because He is — with “eyes like a fiery flame” — I see through His eyes (Revelation 1:14).

Over time, the Holy Spirit began to work on my heart, refining my understanding of God’s gifts. I realized that the selective mutism I experienced as a child was an attribute essential to becoming a “Keeper of Secrets.” God is a God of secrets; He hides and reveals things at His pleasure to accomplish His purpose (Deuteronomy 29:29). Really, Seers are the custodians of God’s secrets and the secrets of the people.

Seers are the custodians of God’s secrets and the secrets of the people.

Every office is indeed confirmed with signs (Mark 16:20). However, for those occupying the office of a seer-prophet, the predominant signs are not merely the accuracy of revelations or the fulfillment of prophetic words. Instead, all the signs confirm the source, and that source is the person from whom rivers of living water flow (John 7:37–39).

These are the signs:

1. Channeling of God’s Presence
Have you ever walked into a room and felt a powerful presence in the atmosphere? Seers, deeply attuned to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, can activate that Presence on an atmospheric level. As hosts of the Holy Spirit, Seers can channel God’s presence, making it more tangible and noticeable in the environment around them.

If you’re a Seer, you might often experience the Presence as a cool burning sensation in your chest, right where your heart is. This sensation is known as ‘heart burning’, because it burns with passion for, and in the presence of, the living Word — Jesus Christ — as mentioned in Luke 24:32. While you may not sense His presence every time, when do happen to perceive with your spiritual senses a strong presence, you can invite others by sharing with them.

“And when all who knew him previously saw how he prophesied with the prophets, the people said to one another, ‘What has come over the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?’” — 1 Samuel 10:11

For those who know of or are around Seers [That is, a group of prophets (1 Samuel 10:10)] or even just one, there is no limit to the manifestations of the Presence of God you may experience. You might have occasional Deja Vu or recognize situations from dreams. There could be an increased frequency of prophetic dreams compared to soulish dreams. You might experience a sudden activation of spiritual gifts such as the word of knowledge, prophecy, or discerning of spirits. Additionally, you might experience various unexplainable spiritual encounters, such as lucid or vivid dreams, translations, or even seeing angels.

2. Knowing & Keeping Secret

People often get startled when I mention things that only they know, and they ask me, ‘How do you know?’ The truth is, I don’t know! I am simply made aware of people’s secrets during conversations. As I speak, the Holy Spirit simultaneously brings secret knowledge to my surface level of understanding…That’s how it works!

If you’re a Seer, it’s crucial to understand this simple fact: revelatory gifts function best in real-time when you have no consciousness of the information you’re receiving from the Holy Spirit. This lack of consciousness often feels like making statements by accident or speaking without knowledge of the information itself, only for it to coincidentally match with the person’s experiences.

When this happens, it’s important not to get excited at the word of knowledge or to amuse yourself. Doing so would grieve the Holy Spirit because it’s akin to cutting Him off in the middle of a conversation. Instead, continue with the conversation as the Holy Spirit guides your words.

Furthermore, never share other people’s secrets or the secrets God has revealed to you about a person unless the Holy Spirit leads you to share with them. Sharing such knowledge without His guidance grieves Him, as it betrays the trust placed in you.

“He will speak to the people for you. He will be your spokesman, and it will be as if you were God to him.” — Exodus 4:16

For those who know of or are around a Seer, even if it is by proxy, it’s crucial to recognize that the seer-prophet is merely a vessel being used by the Holy Spirit. It’s important to understand that all prophets are God’s spokespersons, meaning they are the mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit. A Seer — who is known for bearing good fruit (Matthew 7:17–23) — does not have control over what the Holy Spirit desires to speak through them. At times, even withholding a word of warning can feel like bottling up fire in the body. Therefore, it’s essential to lean in and listen keenly to what the Spirit of God is saying through them.

If you are concerned about the information they are giving you, all you need to do is ask God for confirmation — most times, you will receive confirmation after talking to the Seer. Signs will always accompany the word of God.

3. Testimonies of Answered Prayers
I cannot stress this enough: a saint who frequently receives testimonies of answered prayers is not somehow gifted. No! Answered prayer is a God-thing, not a person-thing, because there is a grace — of God — empowering both the prayer and its response.

“And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong…” — James 4:3

If you’re a Seer, you are endowed with prophetic abilities, meaning you have access to spiritual information or knowledge that can only be found in God’s mind. When you use spiritual information from a place of humility, truth, love, and service, your prayers will never be in vain.

4. A Profound Wisdom and Understanding of the Scriptures
Spiritual giftedness doesn’t mean right standing with God(Acts 16:16), neither does it define spiritual maturity. For the past three years, I have diligently learned to exercise every gift God has given me. Even now, under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, I have come to realize that gifts can operate devoid of Him(Jude 1:19). Even displays of power and accurate delivery of a word of knowledge or prophecy do not necessarily indicate they are from the Holy Spirit.

One day, the Holy Spirit told me, “He speaks in a still, small voice, and only a calmed and quieted soul can hear Me” (Psalm 131:2, 1 Kings 19:12). This means God is always speaking, but His voice is often overshadowed by other voices competing for our attention. When our souls are overburdened with noise — from angels, demons, or other fellow human spirit beings — it becomes challenging to distinguish God’s voice from the cacophony. The only way to accurately discern His voice is to know Him, and knowing Him implies recognizing Him because you are rooted in His Word.

If you’re a Seer, it’s crucial to understand this eternal and steadfast truth: God desires you to be deeply rooted and built up in Him (Colossians 2:7), rather than being merely gifted. Your calling is validated not by gifts only, but by your true identity in Christ and your intimate relationship with God the Father, through the Holy Spirit. This validation only comes from being firmly grounded in Christ by studying and applying the Word of God in your daily life. Such grounding enables you to comprehend the fullness of Christ’s love — the width, length, depth, and height — that surpasses all knowledge (Ephesians 3:16–19).

For those who know of or are around a Seer, it’s crucial to recognize that their ability to preach and teach biblical concepts to you does not make them somehow “super.” They are not wise through learning or self-taught. Firstly and most importantly, their vessels are host to Wisdom and Revelation — dimensions of the Holy Spirit — making them have a profound understanding of the Word. The Holy Spirit is not only a revealer of secrets but also their teacher and guide in all things God (Ephesians 1:17, John 16:13). For example, even upon writing this, you may see me as the writer but also acknowledge God the Holy Spirit is the Author.

So let’s get it right:

1. Channelling God’s Presence — Seers who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit can channel His presence, making Him more tangible and noticeable in the environment around them. (1 Samuel 10:11, Luke 24:32)

2. Knowing & Keeping Secret — Seers are custodians of God’s secrets and the secrets of the people. (Exodus 4:16)

3. Testimonies of Answered Prayers — Seers can partner with the Holy Spirit, in conjunction with spiritual intelligence, for effective prayers or intersessions. They never pray amiss (James 4:3).

4. Carriers of Profound Wisdom and Understanding of the Scriptures — Seers are hosts of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, who gives them a profound understanding of the Word.

May His name be praised, now and forever. From the east to the west praise the name of the LORD!



Steph Kirathe

I'm Steph, a worshipper of Jesus, who believes love connects people to the heart of the God