Your Future is God’s Past

Steph Kirathe
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

There is no time in our lives–whether past, present, or future–God has not yet experienced. By this revelation, dreams/visions are one of the channels God can use to give His children encouragement, correction, teaching, reproof, instruction in righteousness, or as a form of prophecy for future occurrences.

I know this revelation is quite intense, but wrap your brain around this eternal truth:

God is not bound to the space-time continuum because He is eternal [which means having an endless existence, He neither has a beginning nor end]. Revelations 1 verse 4 tells us that God is “God who is, and who was, and who is to come”. This means God will continue to exist [That is, to continue living or experiencing life] into the infinite future. For One who created time, He is not subject to His creation — time, itself.

On the other hand, human beings are bound to time because we are transient [which means our existence starts at birth, growth, gradual decline, and ends at death]. Scripture often mentions that we are like the grass of the field, flourishing in the morning, but faded and gone by sundown (Job 14:2; 1 Peter 1:24). Because life is so transient, we are constantly transitioning from season to season; there are parts of our lives in time that have not happened yet; events or encounters that we have not yet experienced.

“Order my steps in Your word; let no sin rule over me.”–Psalm 119:133

All God-given dreams/visions are His words to us. So, when you recall a God-given dream or vision, it is purely the Holy Spirit reminding you of God’s truths of your life–which God Himself has already experienced(John 14:26). Think of it this way, your past, present, and future are all happening at the same time for God(Jeremiah 1:5). This is why God can rightly order your steps when speaking to you through dreams/visions because all your steps already happened to Him(Psalm 37:23).

With this in mind, receiving a dream/vision from God is likened to the Holy Spirit stepping into God’s past and painting for us a future (1 Corinthians 2:10–11); recalling or meditating that dream/vision is like re-capturing the blueprints of our future which God already planned (Habakkuk 2:2–3); and running with it is like pursuing those blueprints with full force, giving it everything you’ve got (Philippians 3:12,14).

If God-given dreams are His words, then any prophetic dream which has been CONFIRMED by the TESTIMONY [That is, through the spirit of prophecy according to Rev.19:10 ] of two or three WITNESSES — is a dream that truly came from God (2 Corinthians 13:1). Secondly, most prophetic dreams and visions come to pass. Still, with dreams, God sets a specific timing for fulfillment.

“Every word of God proves true…”–Proverbs 30:5

Essentially, a prophetic dream is ONLY established when two or three people testify of what was already revealed to you. This can be a dream/vision they share with you; an impression of the Holy Spirit shared with you; or a prophetic word spoken in the spur of the moment with the same themes you saw in that dream. A prophetic dream that has been established WILL always come to pass, despite how long you wait for its fulfillment (Habakkuk 2:3).



Steph Kirathe

I'm Steph, a worshipper of Jesus, who believes love connects people to the heart of the God