Momus, god of satire and mockery — Painting by Hippolyte Berteaux, Théâtre Graslin ceiling — Nantes

There Is A Master Who Lurks In The Darkness Of Narcissists

Steph Kirathe
7 min readSep 28, 2022


Mockery or “the Scoffer” is the control demonic spirit. As the control demon of this personality disorder, he invites other demons in, to strengthen the bondage in the life of a Narcissist, making him a slave to sin and unable to break free.

“He who corrects a mocker brings shame on himself”

MOMOS or Momus was the pagan god or personified spirit of mockery, blame, ridicule, scorn, complaint, and harsh criticism. Ancient Greeks considered Momus to be the personification of satire and mockery. He was birthed spontaneously from Nyx (“Night”) and had no father, and was the twin to Oizys, the goddess of misery, anxiety, and depression.

Momus is typically depicted as a man lifting a mask from his face. In more modern art, he is depicted as a fool and became synonymous with fault-finding and blame; he was known for instilling in men feelings of failure in regard to new ideas or new ventures.

In the scriptures scorn is often mentioned with insolent pride, haughtiness, or foolishness, for example:

  1. Psalm 123:4 New American Bible says, “Our souls are more than sated with mockery from the insolent, with contempt from the arrogant.”
  2. Psalm 119:51 New American Bible says, “Though the arrogant utterly scorn me, I do not turn from your law.”
  3. Proverbs 23:9 New American Bible says, “Do not speak in the hearing of fools; they will despise the wisdom of your words.”
“The Fool” (Momus), on an 18th-century playing card

How Momus manifests in Narcissism

Momus — by nature — is a critical spirit and mastermind that doesn’t work alone; he tag-team with Leviathan to make the Narcissist a slave to prideful behavior, thoughts, or attitude; he tag-teams with Jezebel, who is the mouthpiece, to make the Narcissist a slave to destructive speech (ie. verbal abuse) and behavior. This strongman orchestrates the nest of demons to entice narcissists to constantly find fault with everyone around them.

But, how do they all work together? How do these evil spirits manifest in the daily life of a Narcissist?

The most common problem we have today, in human relationships, is conflicts. Not all conflicts are bad, but conflicts that are influenced by evil spirits are soul-wrenching. If you have met a toxic person, you know he/she is the kind of person who is sure they are right and everyone else is wrong.

The Bible teaches us that all human beings are made in the image of God — therefore we will be right about some things, but at the end of the day we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, so we will all be wrong about some things.

But narcissists genuinely believe “I am right and so and so is wrong”. These are people who operate under the law not under grace . They don’t show grace or mercy. They are always finding fault in other people’s ideas or how they look, how they drive, or various aspects of their personality. In fact, narcissists are very brilliant at mentally picking out all the faults of the people around them…and using those faults to bully them.

“Our worth is not in the earthly things, our worth is found in Christ. But if we see ourselves worthless what use do we have to the Creator of the universe.”

A Narcissist with Momus — a critical, scoffing, and mocking spirit — will openly and aggressively disdain that which other people value. Momus will use narcissists to ‘kill’, ‘steal’ and ‘destroy’ any form of self-worth in other people— this shattered self-worth is what the Bible calls a “wounded spirit”(Proverbs 18:14). Narcissists are known for being rigid, harsh, unyielding and their comments may become very cruel. From my experience — every discussion with a Narcissist has to end up with them being right and you being wrong.

“Narcissist are brilliant at debating but very poor at being merciful or loving.”

This evil spirit is very passive-aggressive and often joins the spirits of rejection to taunt narcissists. The spirits of rejection will constantly remind the narcissists of their past — like a broken recorder in their minds — they see scenes or hear voices of their inadequacy on repeat. The taunted narcissist will in turn make fun of the God-given identity and purpose in life of the people around them — to limit them.

A Narcissist with Momus often uses passive aggression as a manipulation tactic to control, oppress or constrain the people around them — and sometimes without realizing it. In fact, narcissists with covert narcissism traits often use passive-aggressive behavior to pour out their frustration or make themselves look superior.

Passive-aggressive behavior can involve:

  • sabotaging someone’s work or friendships
  • teasing or mocking remarks framed as jokes
  • silent treatment
  • subtle blame-shifting that makes other people feel bad or question what really happened

“You shall know the Truth and the truth will set you free”

There is a lot of content that suggests that the Jezebel spirit is the control evil spirit in this hierarchy of demons. But it was an encounter I had with this evil spirit in a dream — Holy Spirit told me it was Momus in control. This scoffing and mocking spirit lurks in the darkness of ignorance and can remain relevant in the lives of Bible-believing, Spirit-fill Christians (1 Corinthians 13:2).

It was early in the morning, I just had a cup of strong coffee — when I was hit with a premonition(**deep sleep). I saw a dream, I was conducting deliverance on a lady to dismantle and dispel the strongmen of narcissism from her vessel.

I put my hands on her face, as I began rebuking the spirits in Jesus’ name — she licked the palm of my right hand. It felt weird, but I presumed it was a manifestation of the expulsion of the evil spirits…The venom in the spit began affecting me because I was increasingly feeling confused, and irritated — which opened the door to the spirit of anger…Even while feeling intense anger, I tried to dispel the evil spirits, to no avail. The lady was increasingly becoming tired and agitated.

The Lord, through infusing knowledge, corrected me by revealing that “There is a master who hides in the dark!”…I called out the name of the control demon, “You! spirit of Mockery”. She started becoming more violent and tried to break the grip I had on her.
Suddenly, when I was wiping the spit off my hand on my jeans, I lost control of the grip. She pushed me and ran away.
As I went out in search of her […], I was woken up.

When a demon spirit’s name or nature is exposed, it is likened to the shining of a light(Truth) in the darkness(Ignorance). This is why calling out this strongman's nature, provoked it to react violently because its presence was made known —Momus hates to be “seen”. His influence operates in the ignorance of the toxic person and everyone around them.

If you are in a relationship with a toxic person or someone with this mental condition — I assure you, there is healing for your wounded soul, and a way to thrive in your God-given identity and purpose…You need to be Empowered and educated!

“In Christ, you are a victor! In Christ, you have overcome abuse! By his stripes, you are healed from all the pain and trauma.”

An empowered Believer is the enemy's worse fear!

The Holy Spirit’s empowerment makes your holistic healing process possible and your walk with Christ effective. Without the Spirit, you cannot even come close to discovering your identity in Christ and living the purposes of God in your life. I pray you are filled with all the fullness of God, that he may renew your mindset.

Romans 12:1–2 New Living Translation says, “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice — the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

An educated empath is a Narcissist’s worst nightmare!

Proverbs 23:23 Berean Standard Bible says, “Invest in truth and never sell it — in wisdom and instruction and understanding.”

Empaths are people who have a lot of empathy for others and good intuition. As believers we must clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12); and carry each other’s burdens so that we fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

Psychologists use the term “supply” for a Narcissist’s victims. A good supply is someone who helps the Narcissist inflate his/her ego, gives them the validation that they need, and lets them have control. If we know how to discern, and set boundaries, we can prevent ourselves from being narcissistic supply.

But to be an effective Empath, and avoid being victims of narcissistic abuse:

  1. We need to learn to love ourselves and other human beings;
  2. We need to learn our self-worth must come from our knowledge of who Jesus is and from the assurance of His love and care;
  3. We need to develop spiritual gifts and trust the voice of the Holy Spirit — for protection.
  4. We need to learn to set boundaries and educate ourselves on the manipulative patterns all narcissists use on us.


  1. Get Empowered by the Holy Spirit
  2. Get Wisdom by investing in knowledge to educate yourself on complex mental health conditions to support your healing process.


Thank the Lord Jesus Christ, for fresh revelation, and understanding of spiritual matters in mental conditions — may we glorify you with this information, to bring healing to the Body of Christ. Amen



Steph Kirathe

I'm Steph, a worshipper of Jesus, who believes love connects people to the heart of the God