The Narcissist: an evil project of the Mockery Spirit, Jezebel Spirit, Leviathan Spirit & Rejection Spirit

Steph Kirathe
3 min readSep 28, 2022

I was still in bed — watching YouTube videos — when I had a sudden epiphany. The Lord continued giving me more revelation concerning narcissists and narcissistic abuse.

“Narcissists are tormented, used, and abused by a nest of demons” — Ruach HaKodesh

Narcissists are people tormented, used, and abused by a nest of demon spirits — that entered their life in their childhood. The psychological community believes adult children of narcissistic parents have the propensity of becoming narcissists themselves. I believe this mental health condition, especially narcissistic traits, is a foundational problem the enemy is fond of keeping alive to destroy destinies (Galatians 3:13).

There are several studies of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) that claim narcissism is an inheritable trait, with a continuum existing between a normal and pathological personality. However, if we observe from a spiritual context — NPD is a demonically inherited problem, not in the blood system, nor in the genes — but in evil spirits seeking to perpetuate their likeness in a generation, by rousing problems caused by our ancestors.

For example, suppose three children are being raised by a mother who has narcissistic traits. In order for the likeness of the enemy to find expression to keep the family captive — demonic spirits will pick out one or more of her children to feed down through. The narcissistic mother’s internalized sense of rejection and insecurity manifests as critical, selfish, and arrogant behavioral traits. Because mothers stereotypically nurture empathy, they are primarily responsible for feeding love and compassion into the family. But for this narcissistic mother, her delusions of a grandiose image of herself; her pride; and her selfishness are what create problems in the relationships she has with all her children. The narcissistic mother’s emotional immaturity causes her children to grow up in a toxic atmosphere of systematic abuse and intense rejection. This is why children of narcissistic parents have a diminished sense of self-esteem and self-worth; perfectionism attributes; persistent anxiety; self-doubt; and some narcissistic traits.

I am a family scapegoat survivor. I have personally witnessed the web of devastation these demons cause. Narcissism is one of those complex mental health conditions that have no medications to help narcissists and no ability to change them. But, I believe nothing is impossible with our Lord Jesus Christ.


Thank the Lord Jesus Christ, for fresh revelation, and understanding of spiritual matters in mental conditions — may we glorify you with this information, to bring healing to the Body of Christ. Amen


To Linda, thank you for your wise counsel.




Steph Kirathe

I'm Steph, a worshipper of Jesus, who believes love connects people to the heart of the God